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Can you hear them?

I hear the lost souls calling out Begging me to come play To run amongst them once again To leave this place behind No more restless nights, no more horrible fights Just the streets, and the lost souls to accompany me on my journey to oblivion



More Random Bable

It started out a simple thing An urge to release the pressure within First with knives and bits of glass then with drugs and alcohol but alas, it would not do and so I burnt myself to be free from you walking though life with your head in the clouds driven by childish desire chained down by reality dissilisioned and tired the life of a new yorker Standing in front of my peers, surrounded by parents and educaters, we had the poetry slam teachers asked for someone to go first, I was volunteered by



a story and the dream that inspired it

a story I woke from my dream, lying naked at the edge of a small river. My clothes it seemed, had deserted me some time during the night. Odd, but Before I had time to contemplate the meaning of it, another thought invaded my head, FOOD! Alas, it was nearly noon and my stomach was rumbling louder then those god awful trains they have in those "civilized" citys like new york and london. My clothes would wait for now, food was a priority. I set off from the river traveling east d



Poems I found From Along Time Ago

welcome to the mind of paranoia where expression is limited by fear, and a dibilitating lack of self confidence so acute, rendering one to silence of the mind and soul bitter memories of failure and rejection collecting in ones mind a plague of all too critical philosophys and and harsh self judgment of self a mind where possibility and the unknown reek havok on ones actions both socially and professionally welcome to the mind of paranoia, where nothing is simple and everything is problematic su



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