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Regression Upon the Mean?



Well, I don't have as elegant a piece of writing as yesterday, nor quite as hopeful ...

I've noticed some tendency, today, to hide away, possibly in reaction to the rather adventurous philosophy of yesterday's post. It's one thing for me to say "live for the moment", but there's still quite a bit of resistance to doing it.

I guess it's no surprise that change doesn't happen overnight. And by no means is yesterday the first time I've ever had the idea of being less restricted. It just completed the philosophical argument for why nothing else works, in the long run.

The trick now is balancing it, I guess.

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Me in my life, too, Malign. Am either way out there, or in, these days. It is about balance, I think, and presentation, to be effective with people. It takes practice, and is a whole lot more difficult as an adult, i think, if it's about being who we are and daring to say what we see. It's a creative process, maybe?

Hope you write more stories here, too.



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