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Well, the bulk of the therapy session last night focused on my on-going delusionality ... Okay, that's a bit strong, but still not entirely inaccurate. At the very least, it's a form of denial.

See, I've kept on negotiating with my wife, in the hopes of some day reaching a settlement of our finances that doesn't completely ruin either of us. Well, mostly me, because I can't foresee her agreeing to something that would ruin her, but I have no special desire to do so, anyway. To do that, I've postponed filing divorce papers, because she has assured me, and I believe her, that a filing would put an end to our negotiations.

The thing is, though, that this leaves her with no incentive to negotiate with me in a believable way. I'm paying for everything, and have for a year and a quarter, now. She's currently on a cruise, using money from an inheritance, but only because she doesn't have to use that money for anything else. She does pay rent, presumably from the same source, but all of our joint debt payments come out of my salary. Why would she want that to end?

Maybe it's time I stopped trying to "manage" this disaster, and just made it end.


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I hope you do. Go up, over or around it, but find another way. The current plan is not working and has cost you more than dollars. Be proud of yourself for taking the high road and for realizing you now have to check out a new route. I wish you success and hope you find peace.

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Hey Mark, I understand and admire your gentlemen ways but it sounds like your wife is just using you? You keep struggling but she is on a cruise and has an inheritance while you are struggling with finances? Hmmm...

I bet she doesnt want you to file because that inheritance will then be part yours in the settlement. Sound about right???

I hope you be the gentleman you are and file for your divorce so you can use the legal system to do what she cant seem to do, come to a mutual understanding and both be able to move on to a healthier place...

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