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First day of school



Well today was my first day back in school and ill admit that it was very hectic and stressful, but not so much so that i was phased that much by it.

most of my teachers seemed nice, but my math teacher was sort of freaking me out by telling me how hard the class was going to be once i reached senior year. :o but this too wasn't enough to really get to me, ill worry about taht during senior year.

Got through all of my classes today pretty well, even my child psych class, with all of the females. (only females actually lol). The girls there seemed to take a little bit of a liking towards me as a friend, and were saying that they really liked my "accent" that they couldn't place it and it is really interesting.

After school i went into the elementary guidance and did some unfinished business that i promised i would do months ago that i don't feel i need to get into, and they took the news very seriously and said they would investigate this issue immediately and promised to leave me anonymous at my request.

overall it was a pretty good day, but im still getting a bit of signing things done and a bit of other work as well, but nothing major.


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its already college math, and she said next year it becomes 3rd year college math :D lol, ill make due, ill sleep with the textbook under my pillow if i have to :D

and thanks pseud, ill probably take you up on that offer :)

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no, she's really not exaggerating. we're just doing review from math analysis right now.

its an IB course, which is basically an international standard of excellence if you are not familiar with the program, its meant to be the hardest and weed out the people who can do it from teh ones that cant.

mm, ill be glad if something comes out of this too, just to finally put my mind at ease about it.

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oh sorry mm, im not in the entire IB course, but my school offers individual IB classes to the students taht they feel would do well in them and give those students IB credits and even IB diplomas if they do well enough in them.

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What my brother taught me is that the college that you go to doesn't really matter, but instead what matters is what grad school you get into. He's made the argument that it's dumb to strive to get into a really good college because it makes it much harder to get into good grad schools. He says that he knows a few people who went to a specific school (which I know isn't very good) and got into Harvard :P

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ok, so no you are way way far from diff-eq. Your teacher is scaring you. what you are doing for "analysis" I would strongly doubt is equivalent to college analysis. I'm tryin gto remember back, but 3rd year college math for me was diff-eq and analysis I think...mauybe I took analysis sophomore year, but it was a 300 level. I took complex analysis 3rd year i think. oh, pdes. maybe dif-eq was sophomore too. now I don't know anymore. We didn't have ib at my highschool. It was a small school. they didn't even offer calculus. I finished high school in 3 years and took calc at the local community college my third year. So the set up was way different.

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What my brother taught me is that the college that you go to doesn't really matter, but instead what matters is what grad school you get into. He's made the argument that it's dumb to strive to get into a really good college because it makes it much harder to get into good grad schools. He says that he knows a few people who went to a specific school (which I know isn't very good) and got into Harvard :P

this is only true if you're banking on grade inflation. if you intend to actually learn stuff and apply yourself, you will only be helped by going to a good undergrad school because there will be more opportunity there. going to a shitty undergrad place leaves you in the mix with idiots who don't know why they're even at college.

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oh--ha--differentiation is calculus (the stuff leading up to that is really pre-calc). differential equations is equation solving and maniuplation wiht equations that have differentials in them. it's what you get to way down the road. I doubt you will see it, except in really simple form and not until the latter part of next year, until college

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this is only true if you're banking on grade inflation. if you intend to actually learn stuff and apply yourself, you will only be helped by going to a good undergrad school because there will be more opportunity there. going to a shitty undergrad place leaves you in the mix with idiots who don't know why they're even at college.

Well naturally. My brother used to go to a pretty decent school, and while there, he maintained a 4.0 GPA. He kind of fell apart, though, so we brought him back in state a few years ago. Now, he's at the top of his class and is the TA. He just took his MCATS, so I guess that means he's going into medicine.

He told me a few days ago that his biggest regret is having not dropped out of highschool, gotten his GED, and going from there. He would have saved a few years in the process. And he says that now, with Khan Academy, it's a pretty realistic opportunity.

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you'll have to show me this stuff, inf. If I had to guess, I'd say you are doing sort of a survey of stuff then. I can't imagine getting that far into diffeqs just yet. I can see doing some of the more simple manipulations though. i guess it's pdes though, that are the real bitch. As with most things there's often a lot more depth to it than what you see the first time it's introduced.

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