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Quote for the day. 02/06/2012.



Don't think too much...

You'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place.

This one is very true for me. :(


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Mmm, and I was supposed to research that issue ...

Honestly, my guess is that they took out photo-posting privileges a long time ago (before my time) as an anti-spam measure, but accidentally left a loophole for moderators. Then, we discovered that loophole, by chance.

Since that change, though, we added the New Members process. That cuts out most spam posting by "trusted members" (people who have posted once), because it's hard for a spambot to sound like it knows what "mental health" is ... You can understand, though, how little I would want to look at every picture in every person's photo album, to check for spam (or the many worse possible things).

Anyhoo, I must verify my guess, and think about the implications of changing it.

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Yeah, I can understand that.

It's really not a big deal, just thought I'd ask about it. I like the idea of having one, but don't want to make your job frustrating. Thanks for checking into it, though! :(

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This job isn't frustrating; my real job is frustrating! :-)

This is essentially volunteer, for me and the moderators. If we didn't love it, we'd get someone else to do it.

I've just been short of time, lately. I did just find the setting, and verified that it's off for Trusted and on for Moderators. So the only thing left is the policy review ...

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Me thinking, and talking to the moderators to see if I've missed anything ...

Basically, we have the difficulties of policing image collections of potentially considerable size and number, against the fact that it's harder for serious spammers (and pr0n-spreaders) to become full members than it used to be. It's basically a question of how much effort we anticipate it to be for us, and how much we're willing to take on.

Unilaterally, if we decide against opening up albums to everyone, I would rescind the permission from moderators as well, to remove the unfairness.

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It's okay: I'm sure you're not the only one with these questions. I'm trying to use the time I have to benefit as many as possible.

For instance, it helps the moderator staff if people realize we didn't come up with restrictions just for fun, but because we have a lot of vulnerable people to protect. But also that we're fallible (some admin didn't change the album setting for moderators, for instance) and that we're willing to consider reasonable requests for change.

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I'm sorry for posting here something so much "out of topic", but... I can't let this without comment:

This job isn't frustrating; my real[/u'] job is frustrating! :-)

I'm sorry your job is still frustrating, M. :o...

And, Kayla, I like the quote, too :). It is true for me as well, unfortunatelly... I create problems this way so often... :o M. has been so good in persuading me that too much thinking is not always good (in other, better words), but... Well, at least, now it seems I can... not take "the consequences of my thinking" too seriously...

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Aw, Lala, I'm sorry to hear that.. :o

BUT! M is right. Too much thinking isn't always good. I do it much too often as well, and it usually just gets me anxious and upset. We should both stop thinking so much! :o

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A song for us:


(I should say I love Cranberries. but in general, I don't like their videoclips - it's always better to listen only. (However, this one is quite fine, compared to some others...))

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