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keepin' it simple!



Coz thats wot I NEED to do to be able to function on any sort of level that I dont keep melting down :(

Infact today is the first time I've even thought about switching on my laptop for a few days (shocking aint it!)

Although I've not achieved much of anything really, each day I get up and force myself to stick to some form of scheule (even if it is completely basic for now)

Even though I'm really, really tempted each morning to just leave myself switched off from reality, I manage to force (litterally its at nagging levels at times) myself to do the basics, like get up, washed and dressed, do that totally disgusting thing called eating (which I totally hate presently), go to class, groups therapy and somehow manage to force a smile through it all (even if it is mostly through gritted teeth).

Still my hard work seems to be paying off, I'm scheduled to leave this hell hole in three weeks time - all going well (YiPpeEeeee!!!) :)

Don't know how often I will be popping on-line, as these days my time is pretty much taken up with everyday stuff that I'm learning to do again, but I hope that everyone is ok, and I think of you all often :P

Take care


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thanks :)

well Ive got my discharge date (all going well) YaY! Im due to leave here on the 26th. Suprisingly I didnt jump up and kiss the p'doc when he told me yesterday - though truth be known it took a lot of self control not doing so :P

Today I have day release - and best of all its unsupervised, so I can do what the heck I like..... and thats exactly what I plan to do :)

But rather than spending it in a pub - like I totally would of done not so long ago, Im gonna go for a long walk along the river banks in york, and stop for lunch somewhere nice - maybe even catch one of those tourist ferry thingies back, Ive been wondering about them for a couple of years or so now - but depends how brave I become.

The sun is shining, Ive temporarily gotten my freedom back ..... and its gonna be a lovely day just being normal.. (well normal-ish:p)

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Saturday, was such a joy! Cant believe how much good a long walk outdoors has actually done me, well emotionally - physically however I have parts of my body currently letting me know of muscles I'd long forgotten I even had! :P

Sunday - well, was almost perfect, reckon about the only bummer to it was my aches and pains from the walk the day before - another year older and my body decides to let me know ALL about it:rolleyes:

Today, I'm full of the joys of spring, and looking forward to creating a day full of (innocent-ISH) mischief - thats the trouble with feeling so much better I cant seem to be-able to keep myself outta trouble for long - Oooopsie :)

Well thats all my wonderful news (well wonderful to me at anyrate, probably not very exciting and is boring the pants of yer all!) I hope that everyones day is kind to them, and has a smile in it somewhere along the way. Take care all :)

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Saturday, was such a joy!

:-) :-) :-)

Sunday - well, was almost perfect

:-) :-) :-)

Well thats all my wonderful news (well wonderful to me at anyrate

:-) :-) :-)


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Thanks everyone:o

I'm still having a good time of things, and well quite honestly I have nothing - NOTHING to whinge about! :(

I think I'm happy, if for no reason in particular other than things just arent hurting as much anymore, and that makes me smile :)

11 more days till I get discharged - and I'm excited. I cant wait to get out of here and go exploring. And thats exactly what I plan to do, go on holiday for a few months in various locations and hopefully decide what I want to do with the rest of my life - coz reckon Ive gotten a few decades or so left in me - far too long a time to spend moping round my flat getting fat from chocolate - though a few days of doing that occasionally wont hurt :)

Hope that everyone is well, thinking of you all - take care

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Yep, you're right: there's always time for more living (and chocolate.) There are so many useful things you could do, Sue. Lots of people need your ability to love ...

{Story's up!}

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"I think I'm happy, if for no reason in particular other than things just arent hurting as much anymore, and that makes me smile."

I can sure relate to that. And “keepin’ it simple” so we don’t make pain for ourselves! Best of luck to you. I’m new but hope to hang around for a while, so I also hope to keep seeing some updates from you from time to time.

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im.................... fine :(

just have nothing thats worth talking about. pretty boring day to day stuff going on presently. the usual getting up, dressed showered, wondering if I can go home early - then demanding to go home earlier than planned, go to group do my therapy, sulk for a bit, realise its another day over, and one day closer to actually going home :) :) like I said real boring, I must be better! :(

Hope everyone is doing okay. Take care, thinking of you all.

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well, Im home - YaY :(

got home late last yesterday afternoon, and.... erm slept! :o

gotta go back to get my discharge papers in the morning, an then no more hospital :) (well except for keeping appointments:rolleyes:)

its gonna be a lovely sunny day today so Im getting ready to go to the beach.

hope everyone is doing ok, take care

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