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Found my magic wand! - not really! Dont need one after all ☺



Life has been floating along quite smoothly for some time now - Im not saying I havnt messed up ocassionally (coz lets face it, this is me) or that life has been easy (coz its not) or that Ive won the lottery ( dont gamble) or that Ive suddenly become normal (eeek scarey thought!) But I can say Im enjoying life again - which is something I thought Id never be able to say without lying! 

Parts of me - important parts of my being will always be lost, until one day, someday, maybe never but hopefully one day. Ive had to accept that - it was hard. Very hard. 

But time moves forward even when my mind or my fear take me backwards momentarily. And for once not only am I moving forward Im looking forward ☺

Its a weird life that Ive had and I dare say it will always be a little strange or erm different. But thats ok, coz I dont think I could handle normal anyway ?


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This is absolutely wonderful news, DaisySue!! :lol: I'm so happy for you and Bebe! I hope things continue to go smoothly. I'm glad to see your blog back and I'm sorry we missed your other blog.

Take care and be well. Give your sweet little girl a hug for me, okay? :-) 

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Hi Beth ☺

Will give Bebe a hug when she wakes up - she has decided that its her nap time instead of lunch - perhaps she just didnt fancy what was on her menu this mealtime ?

Hope all is going well for you☺

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Someday there will be a medal of honor for those that have been through such horrendous difficulty. You deserve it several times over :(

So very glad to hear from you! :) I feel the strength of your healing :). You have such an amazing spirit, lil sis!!!!

Does Bebe have a favorite bedtime story????

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Hey big sis

Yes, The Bungle Jungle Bedtime Kiss is a strong favourite of Bebes' (and mine).

Its one of those touch n feel books - and such a lovely story ??

Its about a little monkey wanting his right kiss goodnight and a gentle reminder to busy mums (and dads) that goodnights should not be rushed.

Im afraid I may have turned my little girl into a bookworm. We love reading together ☺

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Bedtime stories. :) I enjoyed reading with my kids too and they all became bookworms. It's a positive thing. I'm so glad you are enjoying quiet time to bond with Bebe. How wonderful for both of you. I hope she had a good nap yesterday too. :-)

I just have to say that k would be smiling from ear to ear knowing you are well and he would be so happy for both of you too.

Wishing you well, always.

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Im sure 'K' would be smiling anyway Beth,  he is in so many peoples hearts that he surely must be happy and at peace (((hugs))))☺.

Im glad you managed to find it - its a great book Big Sis?

Wonder how JaiJai is doing?

Went shopping with Bebe today - nothing exciting just the usual weekly grocery shop. Bebe chose her pocket money gift (her treat for being such a good girl - which she always is) a really cute soft doll. I asked her what her dolls name was? To which she just looked at me matter of factly and said Bebes Baby ☺ like der, silly me - should of known that!?

Its a mums life, and every moment I am truely grateful to be given this honour of being one again☺

Hope you all have a nice bank holiday weekend☺

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(((Thank you, Sue.))) Your kindness means a lot.

Aww...Bebe's baby. How sweet. :)

I did hear from Jai a few months back. Maybe we will hear from her again soon? :-)

But No Elephants! Now how many times did I read that story! :o We also had Elephant Goes to School. Those were fun books.

Take care , Sue. ((hugs for you and Bebe))

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Hey kids!  How is everyone? 

I was excited to see your post sweet-sue!  And delighted to hear how things are going.  Forward is a challenging direction, but usually the one with the greatest reward.  

Before i get off track, books!  Lets not forget "The perfect ride" and anything in the Serendipity series.  Most make me smile... Morgan Morning still makes me cry.  =j




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It's great to see you here, Jai. :) I remember The Perfect Ride! Another book that I read sooo many times. :P

Sue, I hope the day is kind to both you and Bebe. Maybe you will enjoy some shared reading time? :-) Take gentle care.

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The Bungle Jungle Bedtime Kiss arrived in the mail all the way from the UK--- yep, I had to order Bebe's favorite book!!! :)  So very sweet. Thank you Bebe for the recommendation! And now I need to order The Perfect Ride :)

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