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i like ice-cream...



well, my cuckoo blog is gettin kinda old so i figured I better start a new one...

I'm glad that today was sunny! I like the sun. I spent a little while outside today trying to make shapes out of the clouds.. that was fun, but then it got kinda cold so i came back inside.. today was mostly a good day and my family and i got along more than usual but now I'm starting to feel a little sad.. not because anyone was mean to me or anything like that, but because they were nicer to me than usual. I feel confused. When they're nice to me it makes me feel bad for feeling the way i do about them and for complaining about them but i can't help it.. that's just how i feel. Sometimes I wonder if it's all in my imagination:( I wish we could all get along better and be happy but I don't know how to make that happen...I'm really tired of being alive. Everyday is the same..


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thanks Jj, it's okay really, I mean I'm very used to it, I'm just tired and it's so much easier to be up here rather than down there where at any second all hell could break loose. But whatever, it's okay, I don't really care.

How are you doing tonight?

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ohh, im just trying to stop crying, i read a thread earlier and i was stupid enough to let it get to me. (idiot) its my own fault im just over sensitive these days and always when i get like this paranoia sets in (never good)

i just cry all the time these days, over stupid stuff sometimes (hey hum)

it dosnt matter really

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it matters Sue, and you're not an idiot, you're sad, understandably.

have you been able to sleep at all yet? It must make it even harder being so over tired. I'm sorry everything sucks so much :)

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that saying is soo funny, i cant wait to be able to use it. it always makes me smile.

yeah kinda. last time I got this bad, back in july well i stayed awake for nearly a week, then I slept for a couple of days. woke up so dehydrated and felt like I had a hang over from hell.

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I know, I must have said moo off at least a dozen times tonight and it makes me smile each time.

Maybe you should start drinking lots of water now, you know, store it up like a bear, and maybe you'll get less dehydrated this time :)

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