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today was an awful day. i went shopping with my family. never again. the whole car journey up and down was awful. you know who kept shooting dirty looks at me. she was probably complaining about me aswel. i just couldn't hear because i was listening to my i-pod. it was a bad bad day.i'm tired of her constantly nagging me. she won't leave me alone. i'm tired of having to hide in my room. i don't know what to do anymore. i'm tired of feeling the same way everyday and i'm tired of typing the same thing everyday. that frustrates me a lot. i wish i could somehow relax myself enough to let go of the bad feelings. i don't know how because nothing works for me. i don't think my mind wants anything to work for me. it wants me to stay feeling bad and i don't know why it would want this. part of me wants to do something to make me feel better though. it's as if i'm kinda split in half, and each half is fighting the other. it's stupid. maybe if i were to go to bed early that would help me not have to think. ok i'm going to bed. even though it's not early. it's late. oh well...


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Flies are like ladybugs with their spots on the inside ...

Okay, maybe not; I just made myself gag.

You could make them feel the power of your swatter? Or you could be the capture-and-release type, and let them out the window? Or you could be the Karate Kid type and catch them with chopsticks?

Oh, the choices.

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i think i'll just open the window and hush them away -----FLY AWAY LITTLE FLIES FLYYYYYYYY AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! or else i could chase them with the pepper spray that finding got me to keep away stalkers. but i don't want to kill them... i don't want to be.....A FLY MURDERER...:D

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You could be a Fly Liberator, working for the freedom of flies everywhere.

Of course, your flies may want to stay inside, where the food is.

Me, I'm probably on the wall of every fly post office: WANTED DEAD or DECAYING, Horrible murderer, with a picture of me grinning through the grid of a swatter ...

Yeah, don't spray your pepper spray around your room. It'll get in your eyes and just generally mess with your sinuses and stuff. And I don't know if it works on flies. :-)

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OH i havn't tried it out yet.. what happens when you spray it in someone's eyes..? does it actually blind them...

you know who is in a REALLY bad mood today. she won't leave me alone.

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It's the concentrated oil from peppers (I could look up the name, but really, would it help?) :-) I think it's acidic, but the irritation is not as bad as an organic acid. Basically, it's meant as a safe deterrent, so I would imagine the person would recover, even from a direct blast.

Of course, it would be mean, but I did for a second imagine an experiment ... :-) Stay strong, sweety. She can't really do anything to hurt you.

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I know. One thing you could maybe work with is to realize that you have control of your own feelings. You don't have to let her hurt you. It's difficult, and it goes against what we think of as "family", but it seems to me that she started it.

You have to live with her; you don't have to accept her opinions.

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Huh. Star, I wonder if being cops helps your brothers deal with how your dad treated them. Like maybe, using the anger to make the world safer. (Of course, the reason I wonder is maybe we can find a way for you to use yours.)

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They're trying to get them used to how it feels, in case someone uses it on them. Part of the reaction people have is their fear that they'll be blind. You don't want a cop folding up just because of pepper spray; they might get killed, and I understand that's worse.

And well, it also makes them less likely to use it on someone else unless they need it, now that they know how it feels.

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