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soooo confused...



i wonder would i have turned out like this if i had a different mother?

or would i still be the same?

maybe it's not her fault.

maybe it's my own fault that i'm a screw up?

i wonder what i could've done differently?

when i was small i thought the way she acted around me was normal and i accepted all the horrible things she told me about myself. and she used to hit me really hard sometimes but daddy made her stop . i thought that was the way all mothers acted around their children? but then i realised it wasn't normal:( and i began to kinda fight back.. whenever she started complaining about me and telling me that i was useless i'd disagree with her. it made her really really angry that i was standing up for myself and she started saying worse stuff about me and that made me even sadder. and now i've stopped standing up for myself again.. i just ignore her when she says nasty stuff. but it still hurts me.... there's just nothing i can do about it. it's always going to be like this:(


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oh gosh,

been there done that !!!

first time i shaved my head was when i was 14, my moma and papa proper freaked out.

takes agaes for your hair to grow back though.


how about doing something really silly before you leave for college, something really childish that would proper annoy her, like putting a bit of salt or sugar inbetween her bed sheets, I did that to one of my friends once (except i used sand) she was rude to me, kinda innocent revenge, but it p*****d her off enough to let her know i werent happy :-)

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oh good idea!!! i'd feel kinda bad if i did that to her though...

ya see, if i were to shave my head i wouldn't exactly be doing anything to her so she couldn't blame me for anything.. but i know it would really really annoy her:)

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yes, there is that,

go for it !!!!

just before you do though, how about if you just shave the undernaeth part so it still annoys her, but atleast you still have some hair left.

its kinda cold out lately

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Uh, your idea to shave your head? Or your idea to piss off your mom?

Pissing off your mom sounds like fun as long as you don't let her reaction upset you. Shaving your head, well it's totally up to you, I would really think about it though, not the kind of thing I'd recommend to do impulsively. Then again you're talking to boring me, you're cooler than me, and you're an artist, maybe you could pull it off.

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i'm just hangin out here and looking at my lava lamp!

what about you?

i'll be doing ceramics in college this week and we havn't been given our assignment yet so that means no work for me tonight!!!

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