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soooo confused...



i wonder would i have turned out like this if i had a different mother?

or would i still be the same?

maybe it's not her fault.

maybe it's my own fault that i'm a screw up?

i wonder what i could've done differently?

when i was small i thought the way she acted around me was normal and i accepted all the horrible things she told me about myself. and she used to hit me really hard sometimes but daddy made her stop . i thought that was the way all mothers acted around their children? but then i realised it wasn't normal:( and i began to kinda fight back.. whenever she started complaining about me and telling me that i was useless i'd disagree with her. it made her really really angry that i was standing up for myself and she started saying worse stuff about me and that made me even sadder. and now i've stopped standing up for myself again.. i just ignore her when she says nasty stuff. but it still hurts me.... there's just nothing i can do about it. it's always going to be like this:(


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funny, if I wanted to anger my parents all as I would have to do is say I was going out.

I think I want a tattoo too, a small pretty one. I wish tattoos could be sparkly. I'd have to forever hide iit from my parents.

How about when you go home you mess with the time on all the clocks? That would make her mad and she couldn't prove it was you.

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usually mine get angry over stupid things that i don't realize i've done.. then when i do something to try make them mad, they don't notice..

a small pretty purple starrrrrrr tattoo??

i wish they could be sparkly too....

that's a good idea!!

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Well, if Blossom is convinced (and feels it necessary to continue in the third person), she's probably going to make her prophecy come true.

Care to consider alternatives (and a really big sharpener)?

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It's an alternative to killing yourself, yeah, but just barely.

Guaranteed to further dull your day.

How about taking a walk outside?

How about calling your sister and talking to her?

How about leading your roommates in a rousing game of Twister? :-)

Those are also alternatives. Granted, some may seem silly; the point (!) is that they're there, nevertheless. Never discard an idea just because it sounds silly at first glance.

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