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Practising for night shift



It's 1:30 AM here. I just woke up. Thought I'd practice staying up for a few hours. I'll be reporting for training soon. It's 10 PM to 7 AM for the entire week, and then another schedule I guess. (I'm yawning as I write this.)

My little girl seems to be getting used to her mommy not being around in the morning. NOW her daddy is gonna have to explain why Mommy won't be sleeping with them at night for one week.

A typhoon just hit us last Friday, cancelling our training for that day. Four of us didn't get the text message right away, so we ended up going to our work site drenched for nothing. Good thing it didn't stay long in the Metro.

I should be studying by now....to hell with it. I doubt it will do me any good. I'm getting more and more confused about the product training each day. One of my co-trainee was already saying that he'll only stay until the 6-month probation period is up. He's fortyish.

Most of my co-trainees are older than I am (I'm 36). The oldest is 52, and the youngest is 18. We're a diverse group, to say the least. But we get along just fine. No doubt this is one of the things that I look forward to in training.

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