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my wisdom tooth kinda hurts..:(



i'm not sure why everything is so confusing. everything's mixed up inside me and it doesn't make sense and i know i keep saying the same thing over and over and over but i don't know what to do because nothing's getting better. no matter where i go or what i do i feel sad. even when i do feel a little happy it somehow turns into sad. i'm never completely happy. everywhere i go i feel so out of place and i have nowhere to go. noone wants me and it hurts. noone gets me:mad:

i think i've realised something though.

i think i'm scared of getting to know people. when i was small i had a best friend, she's my next door neighbour at home, and we did everything together and we wore the same clothes and went to each other's houses everyday and played and everyone thought we were twins even though i was ginger and she wasn't . we were best friends for about 10 years i think and then she dumped me to hang out with another girl in our class and they became a twosome. i was so sad. it's not such a big deal now though because i've realized we don't have anything in common anymore. it was a big deal for me at the time though. i'm not sure why i'm even talking about this. She's the only 'best friend' i ever had. i've had lots of other friends but they weren't my "best friends".. i dunno what the difference between a "friend" and a "best friend" are. it was just important to have a best friend at the time and mine dumped me so it sucked..

out of the two of us she was always the decision maker and i kinda depended on her a lot so when she left me i was kinda lost:( then ykw kept annoying me about it saying it's my own fault she stopped hanging out with me because i'm stupid and boring. she kept comparing me to the other girl and saying maybe if i was more like her maybe i'd have more friends. i hate when she compares me to people. it makes me so angry:mad:


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therapy in less than an hour:(:(

i'm so nervous. i'm even more nervous than usual.

just want to go back to bed:(

didn't sleep properly again last night.

i think it's because my body is ssssssoooooo sore after the gym the other day...my legs are the worse:(


i hate going to therapy. especially when she gives me the 9.30 appointment because i have to leave for college earlier and then my housemates ask questions because i usually walk to college with them. hmmm.

i really wish it was thanksgiving here aswel.

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she keeps staring at me and saying nothing and i try to talk as much as i can to fill the silences but sometimes i can't think of anything to say and she doesn't help me out. she just stares. and it makes me really anxious.

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yeah she's young, probably in her late 20's.

what exactly are they sposed to do?

oh yikes...i dunno!!:( i never realized how unfit i was until the day after.. it's so bad.. i wasn't able to sleep last night with the pain in my legs:eek: and the same the night before. and i'm supposed to be going again this evening:(:(then the stupid wisdom tooth is torturing me aswel.

are you having a good thanksgiving?

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AHA!!! She is inexperienced:p! [ye could have a little fun with that---- oh I shouldn't say that:D]

Sounds like you went too far with the workout. Were you lifting weights? I'm doing a workout with a giant therapy ball.

Are you going to go to a dentist???

Oh, and my Thanksgiving is very quiet and peaceful, thanks! :(

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[ooooooooooooooh!!! what sort of fun??:) give me some ideas!]

no, no weights.. i don't want muscles in my arms!!!!:eek:

i was on the threadmill for 2 hours:(

no i don't like dentists. they smell funny and they're bad.

but it's ok. everyone gets wisdom teeth don't they? [except Jj and Starry but that's because they're trying to set a world record]

:( i think i have to go back to college now

my tutors gonna get mad at me because i never went to class after therapy. she's checking our sketchbooks today and mine's kinda empty..

i'll probably write more about therapy later.

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[Well there was the time I screamed to my full lung capacity in therapy!:eek: That therapist changed professions not long after that.--- she was pretty sucky, poor dear.]

Remember that therapy is for you, and not about pleasing your therapist. I know it's difficult to advocate for yourself when you've had the experiences you've had:(. I'm not talking about being mean at all. I simply intend that this is for you, and so if you do write in a diary, do it for you, for getting better, not to please someone else. Same goes for college assignments. Do them for your education, your experiences and learning, not just because you are told to.

[you are a bigggggg brave ginger artful doggggggggg!!!!!!!]:(

See you later, Blossomy!!!

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ha! finding you're funny:)!!!

i gotta walk to the art shop in the dark and in the rain now and i don't even know where it is:( i'm going to get lost...

and my poor legs... how am i sposed to waaaaaalk?

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awwww thanks fiiiiiiiinding!!!!

i wish i had them earlier!

i'm reaaaaaaaaally wet:(

i got lost... it took me aaaaages to find the art shop because my friend drew me a map and i think she got her directions mixed up...


AND i lost my phone..:(

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