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I'm Still On The Sofa



And it feels so darn good lol.

I'm actually lying here without any guilt or any anxiety.

No feelings of I'm so lazy or I'm so worthless. No urges to pace the floor until the wee hours of the night.

I've quit beating myself up for all the money I blew that put me in 8mths of hardcore financial debt. (mania is a you know what)

Well... I'm fixing to go finish watching The Young and The Restless. I'm mad at Sharon for sleeping with Adam but what can I say? She probably wouldn't agree with some of my decisions either lol.


Have a Great Mental Health Day!



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Hey Vicki :)

What better way is ther to spend a day than to chill out and relax :)

ok, so what the heck is the young and the restless ? Is it like a soap or something ?

Anyway have fun hun :)

take care


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Yep... its a soap opera.

I just set the alarm on my smart phone to go off at 3pm so I can watch The Tyra Banks Show. She's having an episode of What Do Men Want? With an audience full of men. This oughta be interesting - at the very least entertaining lol.

Listening to a room full of meatheads I mean men *snicker*

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Hi malign!


Are you a meathead I mean man lol?

I luv meatheads I mean men. My boyfriend is one and I thank God for him everyday...Praise The Lord.

I thought Sue was probably from England but I wasn't sure. I am having such a fabulous day doing absolutely nothing.

Geesh...this really does feel good.


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hey really, :)

Yep we dont have the same tv, over here. or the same talk shows. hope you enjoyed it :). and dont worry mark, you dont need a couch to be a couch potato, just somewhere to flop and chill :)

how are you today hun?

take care


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