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Waiting For The End



I have one week more of training before we are 'endorsed' to Inbound. That is if I make it through the week. My throat is very sore and I'm starting to cough and sneeze like I'm coming down with a cold. I'm taking cold medicines (non-drowse) and I gargle with an anti-bacterial wash. I'm hoping that I could stop the swelling from reaching my nose (though I'm beginning to doubt more and more if I could).

And if that wasn't enough to discourage me, my handle time for my calls is higher than ever. I spent over an hour with one customer trying to explain the bill. Of course my coach and the support team were exasperated, though the customer didn't seem to mind. Our goal for handle time was 140%, while I was doing 200-300%. More people dropped out of training. There were 11 of us originally in one training batch and now we're down to 7 people. I asked the head coach if my high handle time can get me fired, and he said yes. But he also said that they will be considering other standards as well.

I wish I could say that I'm adjusting well to my work environment, but it seems I need more time which I don't have. I wonder how long I have left.

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hey Anne,

It will be ok, try not to get yourself all stressed out, it will kinda make you panic and more flustered when on your calls.

you are doing so very well, and I am extremely proud of what you are achieving, you should be too :)

Sorry your not feeling well, try and get as much rest as you can, not easy I know, what with work and then taking care of your family, we are with ya hun, and if anyone can get through this, then well I have every faith its you.:)

miss ya loads

Take care hun,


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