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Shopping therapy!



So, yesterday was not such a lost day after all!

I helped 3 people with problems, at least I tried. 1 of them was through internet and 2 of them are my most loved persons at this period in my life. My best friend and my boyfriend. What concerns me about my bf is that he is like I used to be. Like a feather in the wind. Totally guided by anyones comments and guide technicks. That is so so sad, concerning he is so open minded in other areas.

I know that since I started searching for answers about what happens in my life, in my relations etc, saw the means other people 'play' with my reactions and understood that I had to guide my own life, I feel I live in an apocalypsis, a new world has revealed to me and I just want to give this knowledge to other people who have a bad time in their lives.

Unfortunately I haven't managed to inspire my bf in that direction and this is so sad cause he really have a bad time with his parents who manipulate his feelings and actions. The only think I can do is tell him my thoughts and hope that as time goes by he works with the tools (thoughts) I give him in his mind, so eventually some day they will come to the surface and he gets stronger.

He is so so sensitive, something that I like in him but in the same time it makes me feel insecure wether in the future while living with him he will be able to set his bounds when nesessary. I don't want to be the bad guy who set the boundaries among him and his parents for examble, I want him a little strong too. I see he is so pressed by the "wants" of them and I can't stand this cause I feel he cries inside him. Hope I did help him today that we talked again... please give him your good energy!

Anyway! Yesterday I was a little sick, but today I'm going to have fun. I put my makeup on (I am gorgeous haha) and I'm going to the shops to look for accesorize and have a lounce withmyself out. Who that sounds? Terrific! ;)

See you!


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