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Never (or at least Rarely) Satisfied



For a long time, I used to dread the weekends.

On weekdays, at least I had the need to go to work to get me out of bed, whether late or not. At least I'd be up, so that I might do something in the evening before heading home.

It was the weekends that were hard. I'd stay in bed until mid-afternoon, because what did I have to get up for anyway? I'd do my laundry and my groceries and not much else, spread over two days.

What's amusing is how radically the feeling has changed, after only one good weekend, where I got up both days and did some things.

Now it's the weekdays, just going through the motions of eat-commute-work-commute-eat-sleep, that I dread. I'm looking forward to the weekend, when I might let myself go outside while it's light.

Maybe it's just that some part of me enjoys being grumpy.


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Good to hear you are beginning to enjoy the weekends. For a very long time I have dreaded the work/commute stuff, steals my energy.

On weekends I now get up early, before sunrise, so I can see it happen. Take the pup out for a hike, go out for breakfast and try and enjoy the day.

If it were not for weekends I could not survive.

Hope you get the most you can out of yours.

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I have always loved the weekends an I'm a really big fan of Friday TGIF.

I feel the peace the serenity the calm the tranquail the rest its when the worlds problems must leave me alone.

I'm so glad that you are enjoying your weekends.

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I could easily humor with the fact that 'you now switched the days and instead having 2 bad days, now you just have 2 good days in your week'.

But the fact is...weekends are for some people a time to relax, for some others a time to have fun, but for all a time to find themselves. It's not that you had yourself 5 days a week and you switched it in only 2 days. I believe that working people just stop their feelings and thoughts all week through. If they manage to find theirselves in weekends that's fine.

It's good you did.

I always have something to do in my free time (ok, when net is closed :)), but even so, I have a constant feeling that my responsibilities are waiting for me. So that's good to see there is people who manage to leave work behind.

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