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dxfvhbmlk,xs fiupyg fhjlkjhug



my day started out good coz i was really excited about starting painting. when i got to college we were told to stick up the 4 self-portraits we had painted of ourself on our wall space. my first "surprise" was that my old tutor from last semester [yeah, the one that HATES me and everything i do] is one of my painting tutors this week. great. then my next surprise was that we have to paint naked man nearly every evening. i will be drawing naked man after lunch:( in 15 minutes.

anyway, then the 3 tutors came around to everyone and looked at our portraits. it was really scary:( when they got to mine they didn't say much just that they were good and the mean tutor told me i have a broad forehead and that pissed me off because i don't want to have a broad forehead:( i dunno what's wrong with me:( i'm sad. and my hearing is gone in one ear and i'm dizzy still.


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Like trying to help so that doesn't happen.

You know, I think this is an opportunity to talk honestly with you about suicide.

It's always an option. It's not really that hard to do, either. Most of us could find multiple ways to kill ourselves within just a few minutes' walk.

So, what I wonder, when I meet someone who, like I once did, repeatedly threatens suicide without attempting it, is: what are they trying to tell themselves, and why is it that they decide to stay?

Because either answer could be useful, and if you can find both, you're probably on the road to recovery.

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Sweety, I have no need to challenge you; I know how strong-willed you can be.

I just figure, if you're staying anyway, you could try to figure out why it's so urgent to die. You might find another way to address the problem, for one thing.

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Well, I was tempted to. :-)

I know you don't, or at least, I know you say you don't, sweety. All I'm asking is that you try to figure out exactly why, before you make the leap. Because you don't get to change your mind.

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Well, I don't want to risk making you sadder.

How about if I challenge you to a race to ... the nearest grocery store? Or ... to name that song in fewer than five notes? Or I could challenge you to contract the facial muscles that cause a smile?

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i think i'm stillll drunnnnnk.

but i'm sleepy. i hope i never ever wake up:)

then i won't have to feel ever again! i got rained on. i hate rain coz it makes my hair go GINORMOUS.


rerfhcdwqhb wbgvh fcdhuj4ybxdejwlkza

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I don't want to dooooooooo any paintinggggggg:( i just want tooooooo hang out...

i got therapy tomorrow:( it's been like 6 weeks or something like that since i've had an appointment. i so don't wanna gooooooooooo.

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AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE PAINTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

i feel like banging my head off the wall, i am so frustrated. i can't paint the way they want me to paint. i like to paint my way but they don't like my way and they're trying to change me into a clone of everyone else. I DON'T WANNA BE A SHEEP:(

i just can't paint any other way. :mad:

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i can't marky:( coz whenever i paint my way it's "wrong". if i don't do it their way i have no chance of getting picked for painting. i'm not even sure i want to do it anymore. it's not what i thought it would be.

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they don't sound like good art teachers, isn't art supposed to be about differences, about expressing art how you see it or feel it, from what I understand art is supposed to be anything but the same as everyone elses.

BUT I GUESS that doesn't help you with your teachers who don't seem to agree.

That SUCKS blossom, I'm sorry :)

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that's what i thought art was too before i came to college..

it just sucks.

there's an exhibition competition thingy on in my college at the moment and the picture that won is ridiculous. i laughed when i seen it. it's supposed to be a cow drawn with charcoal but it just looks like a bunch of scribbles and then everything is in the wrong place. a 2 year old could've done it. i will take photos tomorrow and try send them to ye. it just makes me so mad:mad:

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