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I'm a quitter Yo! and a turkey. 7days



Well, it's been7 days in this journey

so far so good

I feel great

I really really feel like I have more energy, the bags under my eyes are smaller

I've gained weight [20 lb !], but oh well. small trade off that I am addressing now. [separated issue]

Well, now it's on to what they call Heck week. The 'hell week' the first 7 days are the hardest, as you are fighting off both physical withdrawal symptoms [which are the worst -so they say- of all drugs].

After hell week, there's a new challenge. the physical cravings are less [about one a day]. But it's the mental trigger and attachment to smoking.

Addiction creates a set of paths [or automatic responses] in your brain that are with you, well, forever. BUT, you can reprogram yourself, and the those responses becomes weak. What you need is a good dose of consciousness to realize the difference between your will, and an automatic response to something that isn't relevant anymore. [been there, done that...] :cool:


There is a lot of different sides to an addiction. The triggers are a bit different for different people.

Some tricks and techniques are the same. Here is the list of things I have done this time to keep myself on track [not in any order]:

1-tell my friends and family, find supporters, people you feel are positive about this and do not blame you

2- Identify and stay away, from 'pushers', detractors, and downers

3- find a healthy replacement [the Pavlov response]: every time I want to smoke, I take a sip of water. Well, I haven't done that one to the letter... but now that I remind myself, i will carry this bottle of water again.

4-lean into the craving, feel it, relax.

5-Aversion response. [this one may not be the best technique, as it can trigger more smoking from intense anxiety or guilty feelings - so beware] I visualized how gross smoking was, in all aspect, made myself sick smoking, repeated to myself how disgusting smokers were...

6- A better aversion technique: Put 4-5 fresh butts of cigs you find on the street or in the parking lot in a small 100ml jar, fill it with water. Let macerate. When you feel a craving, go ahead and take a whiff at that sucka! :o That'll work, along with the other techniques.

7-Identifying, writing down, stay away and aware of triggers: being around smokers, drinking soften the resolve. Feeling bored. Feeling down and lonely. Etc

8-Using Quick affirmations: [NOPE] Not one puff ever, absolutely, under any circumstances. Also, think of H.A.L.T.

are you hungry?, angry? Lonely? Tired? take steps to remediate to these [new]

9-Posting a list of 'why' you sopped on fridge and into a journal.

10- being aware of fears about quitting/not staying quit... writing them down

11- Understanding the withdrawal timeline -> 21 day goal: Knowing what will happen, how it will feel, and using smaller goals, on a calendar.

12- physical activity. this helps relaxation/ distraction from cravings/ take advantage of your new health!

13- small/big rewards: realize how much money you are saving. Reinvest in new healthy, gratifying things. Haircut? Book?

14-keep your reasons on top of mind! and in your face. Especially after the 21 days!!!!

15- clearing away all reminders > wash clothes, get rid of all old packets, lighters, matches, ash trays.

16- Identify 'excuses' and find solutions. for me, this is a process that absolutely needs to be done! It's pretty hard, but it has the most impact. When a trick isn't working either GO back to the drawing board now AND/OR make sure you are using the trick correctly!

17- be aware of weird triggers that tap into guilt and anxiety. Have you noticed that sometimes, when you think too much of a bad thing, you go ahead and do it??? Weird huh? Well it's very common. Just know that your brain may not distinguish the difference between NO smoking and smoking. it identifies 'smoking' so it goes right ahead and tells you I NEED this. So try no exposure for a while if it's a big thing for you [it is for me]. ... Stay aware when this is happening, and lean into it, and relax... hard but feasible.

so this is what I used. If it helps you, awesome.




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Hey, I can gain weight just fine without quitting smoking! :-)

That means both of us can lose it again, regardless.

Congratulations on your progress. You didn't trigger any unpleasant memories; Dad's smoking was just a fact of growing up. He has quit for so many years now that his life expectancy is back to normal, which is good, considering he's 84. :-)

Go toury, go!

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ah! 84! that's awesome

About the weight, yep, this is another thing with me, I yo-yo... yo! ;P

I've have been keeping the weight off before and was doing fine, but now, my lil brain is playing trick on me for several months... I am noticing it now. So, back to the drawing table. I don't want this weight thing to be some lame excuse to go back... So I am addressing it.

Should have an actual plan shortly. I will apply the similar technique to it than to quitting. I have a sketch of a plan right now. Starting to train for a 10k in June. Rallied a friend too for support.

afterall, isn't it the olympics?

thanks M

and yup we both can!

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Well, if it's okay with you, I'm going to try to get rid of mine without having to run 10k ... ;-)

My brother trained up for a couple of local marathons.

I was smart enough to stand still and watch.

I need exercise, but preferably in smaller doses.

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Quite ok!!!

I am running OR walking it... This is a goal. It just helps me is all...

A marathon? So cool. Well, I find...

I have always wanted to do that, but now that I sort of understand how my brain works, I have to give it small goals, and small doses like you say. seems to work better one day at a time for me...

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ouch, I can see how that would not be a fun goal! Well, it is whatever that is right for you that is important. Whatever you feel is good and makes you feel good!

It's not the actual activity, that semantic. in a way

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