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Conflicted emotionally and perceptionally when working in this job


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Lately feeling exausted from working with a manipulative person. Conflicted in feelings of the shop owner is my friends dad and he tried his best to help me and even seperate me from his manipulative son. But i just felt like i done so many things to help myself emotionally from reading books, quote, evem 7cups community and i just think its the perception of working affects me more then doing the job. Im doing everything that i can do with addiction and isolation because of it. Never want to bother them with anything im dealing with. I know im not good at this job or memory nit great but even if they gave me so many chances like flexibility, money, place to stay and food the same as them the perception stays the same there were no improvement in the workplace whatsoever.

somehow theres still issue from his son to me for no good reason.


I want to do the best for them for the chances they gave but my feelings of working with them and his son at this point i cant deal with it anymore. I mean if i watching and try to see something like shakleton endurance or other similer story to tolerate and i cant do it then i dont see any point to bother. Thats the only thing keeps popping up when i work here. Only 2 weeks i can work peacefully because his son been taken out of the workplace. 


What do i have to do to work here if theres constant issue and his son always bringing stupidity into the workplace then manipulate it later as if hes the goos guy? 

He nevers help the shop. Doing work ok but getting new recipe or try to help employee?? 0%


UD now reading man searchs for meaning. This might be the thing for these kind of situation. Hopefully it work.


Another UD : somehow theres another issue so bad that i have to just leave. 

This time after i go outside to the park to figure out what to do in this situation. While i was walking out i heard the manager said " lets take the bakery out of the fridge after someones checked what food needs to put up tomorrow. "

Then i walked out to the park whichs in front of to the shop only small road in between find somewhere to sit, Minding my own business then he yelled at me to go take the food out the fridge. No one goes to check it yet. Then i was so angry with the issues that build up to that point that i mistakinly YELLED ( JUST DIE, I DONT CARE ANYMORE ) then hes talking to my dad take me back home. No sorry something happens we should figure something out or anything he goes straight to that. I was so angry and so is my dad that we figured then just leave.  

This manager is just telling people to do things based how he feel or think. So lets say sandwich process was fine one and a half year he goes in and said oh this is wrong or this is right or when i was cleaning the house and its clean for some reason he told me it isnt while laughting then goes away.

No value to what he said to the point im exausted from even bothering to care what he wants me to do. Even so somehow hes just flip flop ideas and switches side and just being an dumbass. Hes just trying his best to get away by sleeping all day and boost that he can do all of it by himself whichs not true. Somehow this is so much worse since he pretends to be this good guy with his words with everyone. 

Another manager of the shop ( not boss or his son) 

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  • joenoween changed the title to Conflicted emotionally and perceptionally when working in this job

@joenoween tough situation. Workplace conflicts can be a living hell in a nightmare. There is certainly no simple obvious “plug and play” solution.

What I’ve done in the past is realizing that the person is looking for reaction out of me I would just try to be as boring and as dull as possible. Still working hard and getting things done but just being so boring and low key that they find another Target for their schemes.

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