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Personally, I'd rather have to be gentle and be careful not to hit bottom than to ever hear "are you in yet?" or "is that as deep as it goes?". At least then, the woman can be on top or in other positions where she can control it to get as much as she finds enjoyable instead of being frustrated.

I think if I can learn to be content and not get depressed about being alone, I will be somewhat happy or at least not miserable.

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Personally, I'd rather have to be gentle and be careful not to hit bottom than to ever hear "are you in yet?" or "is that as deep as it goes?". At least then, the woman can be on top or in other positions where she can control it to get as much as she finds enjoyable instead of being frustrated.

I think if I can learn to be content and not get depressed about being alone, I will be somewhat happy or at least not miserable.

Gotta agree.

If a guy is too large, he doesn't have to use it all. But if he's too small, he can't magicly double his size. I've seen devices in advertisements designed to prevent a well endowed man from thrusting too deeply if he gets too enthusastic during sex.

Must be something to have a problem like that...........oh well.


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I've seen devices in advertisements designed to prevent a well endowed man from thrusting too deeply

I hadn't ever thought of that before I was listening to some call in radio show one night years ago and a woman had called in to ask a doctor what to do in that situation. He had mentioned one of those devices. A few minutes, another woman called in and said if they had kids, to use the rings from a Fisher Price ring toss toy for toddlers. Later on a few other women called in to thank the previous caller for the tip or to mention that her & her hubby made a game out of it, etc. I think the host told the call screener to stop accepting calls on the subject. It certainly was a WTF night and Coast to Coast AM hadn't even started yet.

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OK, I'll try not to bug you to death but I did think of one final thought. My husband is 6'2" and you probably know about the stats and how height and penis size correlate and also there is a stat on women and the length of the vagina and if I remember right it has something to do with the length of the hand matching the depth of the vagina. I am 5'4" and well, that is not a good match with someone 6'2" - care is necessary to avoid hitting "bottom". Seriously, I learned that right away as that is not a pleasant feeling. So, yeah, I know you have the girth concern but still position can make the difference and it helps if the woman hasn't slept with a bunch of guys before. Even after childbirth, that stuff shrinks back down unless you have lots of kids and I have seen women have a problem with that but sometimes they put a stitch "there" to tighten it up after child birth. Yeah, more than you wanted to know. We do sympathize and we do understand the agony but we want you to go on and have the most fulfilling life possible. OK, I'll leave you alone now. :)

So you're on here giving advice when you're 5'4" and your husband is 6'2", and he doesn't have small penis? Why should I feel good about myself since I'm about your height and have a small penis?

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I think the point being made was that there are problems with the other end of the spectrum as well. But this is true of anything. It isn't typically comforting to a depressed person that some people are manic and have too much energy. Nor comforting to an obese person that some people have a problem being underweight. Nor comforting to a lonely person that some people have too many friends to keep track up. Nor comforting to a jobless person that some people suffer from being overworked.

It's still stupid for her to post here, and even mention her 6'2" boyfriend who is well hung. Who cares if they have a problem because he's "too large?" Just be careful and don't put it all in. She knows what's she's doing though, but posting that "problem" she has. It's classic passive aggressive/troll behavior. Well let me just mention that I'm as tall as you (and a female) and my husband is 6'2 (much taller than you) and that he has a large penis (much larger than yours) but we have problems too, because it hurts!

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maybe she was thinking we should go after short women with small hands? :confused:

No we shouldn't. She's short, and still picked a 6'2" guy to marry. Why should short men go after shorter women when most of THEM go for tall men anyway? What a joke... it's a good thing I have a sense of humor and can see through her trollish posts.

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yeah and tall guys like short "fun sized" women because it's easier to look down their shirts w/o getting caught. :)

I'm not picky when it comes to how tall a woman is. I've seen gorgeous ones from 5' to 6' that I'd love to go out with if I could ever get the nerve to talk to them.

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Ok, so I just had a sudden sick feeling.

I know a lot of you guys are having a problem meeting girls and keeping them. I realise this is a very serious problem, and I don't want to sound cold or anything.

When I post about having a 'hot' petite wife, am I doing the same thing as a lady bringing up a well endowed husband?

Damn.....DAMN, I am doing the same thing......

I am so sorry guys. I just wasn't thinking. I was so wrapped up in my own sexual problems I didn't take time to see how my situation might be viewed by other guys.

I apologise. I won't bring my wife up again.



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I don't have any trouble finding women to date and I'm uglier than a mud fence, so I think some of you guys are just too shy to take the leap.

I usually limit my encounters to four or five dates before moving on to a different gal. In some cases I'll stop after the 2nd date if I sense she isn't having as good a time in the sack as I am.

Believe it or not, I have had a couple of them try to continue our "relationship" after I have moved on, in spite of my telling them I wanted NO MORE permanent unions.

This is new for me since I never had been the one to end a relationship until I found my ex had been cheating.

My take is if you don't expect anything long term, you have NOTHING to lose by enjoying whatever you can get out of short term encounters.

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I don't have any trouble finding women to date and I'm uglier than a mud fence, so I think some of you guys are just too shy to take the leap.

I usually limit my encounters to four or five dates before moving on to a different gal. In some cases I'll stop after the 2nd date if I sense she isn't having as good a time in the sack as I am.

Believe it or not, I have had a couple of them try to continue our "relationship" after I have moved on, in spite of my telling them I wanted NO MORE permanent unions.

This is new for me since I never had been the one to end a relationship until I found my ex had been cheating.

My take is if you don't expect anything long term, you have NOTHING to lose by enjoying whatever you can get out of short term encounters.

What does this have to do with me being short and having a small penis?

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I don't have any trouble finding women to date and I'm uglier than a mud fence, so I think some of you guys are just too shy to take the leap.

I've always had a difficult time finding women to date. The ones that I do end up going out with only seem to be there because I'm picking up the tab and it's a free night out for them. It and the SPS are the two main reasons why I've given up trying to meet anyone at all.

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I've always had a difficult time finding women to date. The ones that I do end up going out with only seem to be there because I'm picking up the tab and it's a free night out for them. It and the SPS are the two main reasons why I've given up trying to meet anyone at all.

Maybe you are setting too high of standards for your prospective dates. I no longer have ANY since I split with my ex. I expect to pay the bill and if they don't like what I have to offer it really is of no consequence since we won't be seeing each other for long in any event.


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After reading your posts it seems clear to me that you are (I don't know how to put this in a nice way) kind of a jerk (at least your posts are mean and hostile). I bet your bitterness comes through to everyone who tries to get to know you.

I bet that's the real trouble as we have clearly had posts explaining that people with similar conditions have overcome them yet you refuse to acknowledge them.

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...no one "overcomes" this problem' date=' they just accept it and find other things to think about. [/quote']

Quite possibly it isn't a problem for those who have accepted themselves. Do you think you can find your way to accepting yourself?

TL, I hear your frustration and anger. How can we best support you?

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If the guys who seem to be the most affected by their handicap want to gain a little self esteem, they need to find somebody else to blame for their dilemma.

After doing some prying, I found out that my father had gotten one of his cronies who was a doctor to slip my pregnant mother some meds that were known to cause abortions back when she was carrying me.

The plan proved to be a failure and my birth apparently was the catalyst for their divorce.

Of course there were complications and likely as not they were responsible for my poor development during puberty.

Go figure. By the time I was twelve years old, my voice had already dropped so low that I couldn't even whisper in school without being called down for it by the teacher who could pick my voice out of twenty brats who were doing it too.

The flip side of this was that my genitals were done growing and many younger kids I would see when changing into swimming gear were already larger than me and this didn't escape others either.

As mentioned before, I have no interest in any long term relationships after my split with my ex, but it hasn't kept me out of the game.

Much the same as with my ex, it's now ALL about me.:cool:

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Jerks get women, but if the women knows someone is a jerk they either have issues to stay with them or they aren't with them anymore.

A normal, well adjusted woman doesn't get with someone who is a jerk. Maybe you think he is a jerk but she doesn't.

No, if you become a nice guy you won't grow taller or have a bigger penis but you may attract a quality woman.

And I want to know so please reply, what do you say to me when I tell you I have overcome this problem. I told my story in another thread, it should be easy to find.

Do you think I am lying, or do you just choose to not let it into your mind that overcoming this is possible?

You tell me these issues are real? I've lived with a small penis just like you have my whole life. Been subject to the same humiliation. Is that a joke telling me these issues are real? I don't think I'm the one who needs to get real.

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You say you overcame this problem and have a daughter and wife. So what? What does your wife look like? What does she do? A man with a small penis can get a girlfriend and wife, no one ever said they couldn't. But what does that prove? That you were lucky enough to find someone? Is finding someone, anyone, really a goal? I've lowered my standards to get girlfriends, and let me tell you, being with someone because you're lonely isn't worth anything. We're talking about mainstream society here. Again, you didn't overcome anything. In 99% of society's eyes, you still have a small penis and most would laugh, etc.

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I understand that many of you are feeling a lot of anger and frustration, but please let's not turn this thread into posts full of hostile exchanges. That is not helpful or supportive to any of us.

Karamazov, I think it's great that you are happy in your life. :(

TL, it's true that you can't change your height or the size of your penis. Why not turn your focus to ways that you can improve your outlook on life and how you feel about yourself?

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